Server Information
✪ Server Rate ✪
- Episode: 12. Nightmare of Midgard The Destruction of Morroc
- Server Mode: Pre-Renewal
- 2% Card Drop Rate
- RAID Boss Events!
- PvP Point System , Mining System , Battlegrounds , World Boss
✪ [GAME Protection] ✪
- Gepard Shield 3.0
- Extreme DDOS Protection.
✪ [Server Features] ✪
✔ Base/Job Level 255/120
✔ Max Stats 200
✔ Aspd 197
✔ Party & Guild
✔ Party Size: 15 members
✔ Party share range: 15 Levels
✔ Guild Capacity: 35/35 [VP]
✔ MVP Maps: PK On
✔ RMS/IRO Base Item Only.
✔ Unique Freebies
✔ Unique Reward System
✔ Warper: [Town & Limited Dungeon]
✔ PVP Warper: [Prontera]
✔ Reward System: [Reward System Daily]
✔ Gathering Reward [Daily Reward]
✔ Mission Board [Reward After the Missions]
✔ Player Peak Reward[Peak: 50|100|150|200|250]
✪ Commands ✪
Date Modified : 05-10-2020